Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lets take a moment...for our fallen ones.

Pepsi Blue, Surge, Josta I miss you.
You sweetened my life in ways that most doctors will say are illegal, immoral, and just unhealthy. But why should I have cared? You didn't, you left me.
Oh Surge, you were the bain of my mother. You made Mountain Dew look like childs play. We had a trying relationship, you were a fleeting moment snuck in after school, or hidden in a fountain drink. Alas it could never work, and you were gone.
Josta, how could I forget. always there at the Wal-Mart entrance. So coy, so seemigly innocent, but I knew your true inner beast. You were unlike anything I ever had.
Pepsi Blue. You knew me. Your research team knew who I was, I was different and I wanted my soft drink to reflect that. But alas, that was the ultimate price you had to pay. Nobody wants to be that soda. And one day, 4th button down, you were gone.
Chocolate Soildier, heres your shout out.


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